
The Mind Groups

 In the US 江湖裡面 or just say, among all theories groups, there are some groups both Anan know or Eben know they are the Mind groups. They teach you how to write to the public to do a campaign or they work on your mind, so you sounds coming out of you will sound different. How to be confident, how to be equips with the right elements....

Normally when you practice your Quan Yin methods, I never thought we have to start on 101. 3 words you write in your magazine, mind, body, speech, you adhere the rules in everything you say and really doing it yourself, the results with the meditation, you don’t really need Anan or Eben alike groups. They are not the strangers to these other public speakers. But it is ridiculous you are not using the lineage 法脈 but to listen to them how to work out your mind?

Like the swordsman facing a solitude wall for decades years passing by, there is nothing but that sword in a crystal clear manner to be in the motion with the wind flows, same like what’s inside your mind. Technically if someone is 自動自發, your magazine with the master lineage power and meditation (Buddhism words reflection daily), not your sheet lady ... you can simply outweigh this people. Not by trying to win them. You can do smoothly just right and be even with them. I did not ask you to win over them. These groups exists. They don’t necessary built their character but they can built up their voice. 

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