
Porsilin doll

 I have to declare the King of the King for the Time reason, so I have to let Sariputra be on the sitting seats, or ready to coming in any time. I have to do a lot of things that I have to do. 

You better just wish China had that measurement what to restrict to only their Millitary units.

You happened to have a Book so you are warn, you think about the Death.

I happened to travel on the same direction so giving you a lift...knowing things beyond Death is another existence. Somewhat it is alike. 

Did you watch the trailer parts? I don’t have the time watching the content. I used to think your Indian 500 years old exist, now if you have a father, in case some day in the future your timeline and his timeline combine, he might do something about it. Will he remember what you did to him this Life time? You have a lot of explaination to do to a lot of people. But since you are out already ...you left only him to go to. He does not seems to be that hostile if that’s what Friends are looking. He won’t be saying things I say.

I told him about it? You mean we are the best friends? 

I don’t want to talk about it. His world is not my world. He used to be a writer.

Tesla is not a writer? He writes a lot (getting hurt)

Where were you when I say Tesla is an industrialist snd Eben is not? Cannot see their height looks different on Coco movies? Or Tesla does not look exactly like you have in mind? You wish for the prince or the movie stars, or actually say real power in their hands, those pieces are papers, corporate accounting ?

These solving movies basic 101 is only 4 point frame stuffs. They aren’t that difficult to do, he alone can deal with you, without me wasting my times and efforts.

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