
Mango field

 Massive mango field 

Mass man go go go, saying you jail story... 

THAT is IF every police station in every town know you are on the monitor doing Live Bible rapture story?

That story only popular in AMERICA, where are you now? You are doing a bird animation in English!!!!

You imagine you say you don’t say? Chinese don’t popularize this Book!! Here!

Across the sea, your cult known newspaper IS on my desk, they China publically define you!!!

This far time left you and me on this island and apparently you acquire a New Lsnd! You imagine when you jail here or the police station knows about you having a Chinese name mocking, you have no upper master? Here no one knows Yoganada book saying the importance of a lineage like Babaji century ago knows and they train someone in generation to move Yoganada to America to write in English?

You sissy sassy twist you waist like a teenage dancing on the floor to explain to me your Au Lac tradition with a Crown on your head in Gusi prize just like Nobel prize ? Or he President see you have a golden halo on you?

You trying to say to me or you trying to act owning the book, AND step on every chapter a new song you would do to claim the book. A 2000 years old sacred book, for your petty mind to become your solely ownership? You want to own a Bible down in history? Then explain to me where that Gift come from? You even say that’s in English translation ! I write biochem, I invent that book I wrote in case you cannot read is in America library Congress! There is a map on your 5 name with 13 layers of RNA, like you know 13 syllabus sounds.

Can you tell me you know you create a new song for them every day repeating in their head is to be reminded what? Your goodness ? That’s is 24 hours a day ! For the scroll of the Lamb?

That is not your stuff and you publically makes everyone pry onto it.

When I review you in talking to you in English, that’s if they imagine a baby born here can literally makes sense what I suppose to say, no one says go ahead to judge you! They can do that well on you. Do you understand you take it for granted everything end up now for you to look bad so I can wrote you might be Purna under so and so to be spare? 

You take excuses like you should. Not being responsible for what you create a mess and get caught by the Bible so to glorify me? I am NOT on the throne yet, in case you didn’t notice that’s a baby face with toddlers ages.

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