
Ancient Chasez

 It’s not just one photo. It’s a story about the girl Ankeheseamen.

Water as a natural border, that division she won’t ever cross to think Justin, Ancient CHASEz and Lance place. She never even occur to her the other side of that water division world beyond.

It’s an ancient belief. You just don’t think crossing the Water.

Then she was sick, she has be cared, move to a beach. From original home.

There is a doctor came looks like Conan like that wear glass college guy temporarily living 新一home.

Like a guy I know here, he came to take me home ...there is a door I want to leave, but it’s huge water volumn to the sky, I cannot breath.

Then ancient Chasez came with the other guy from the original home. That’s when the water retrieve, coming down. I can leave.

That story didn’t know go where.

But there is one day she becomes under Ancient Chasez wing. There was a deal.

It was from Justin ask Ancient Chasez, to get her here. It’s to get the spirituality to that world.

Several things happens...water again or wild plant in a different world.

One day I have to go to Vartan with snow or sunshine.

So ancient Chasez world become completely darkness and they fall down. Just like JC did on the stage with that Comet concert.

When I saw that, I scream...internally. 

Anyway, it’s that happening already too much, what’s inside play and outside play.

It may not have any common meaning but it makes me scream internally none stop, just about anything.

No, he does not look like JC. I saw that photo 花冠安琪兒

No, there is no falling love issues ...other stuffs? I don’t want to talk about it.

Grapes is blister, Justin.

Ancient Chasez later was more towards shiva idea. Not exactly but...I forget how it goes


Blood or powder. That 5 name

Blood, blood, powder, powder, ?

What was I writing ? I don’t remember.

When I left Canada, I saw a mercury water sailor moon on an eye side way, like an angle opening to the entire us to Pacific Ocean to where I go. The point is from where I was. Water...something about the water none stop saying.

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