
What a rubbish, I don’t help her save? 什麼叫做我不幫她救人?簡直胡說八道到極點(阿南=東方|she SMCH & the youngest sister’s daughter, Nick)



Youngest sister’s daughter

夏紫薰 (did you Yogananda group gonna wait til too later 200 years ? Can you just remember every time seeing her - Yogananda’s Ghosty show up to her, I feel better, because Lauren scream !) 印度的你們他 …

She hurt him

She save him.

But only Kill 1000 end = me kinda, to practice the Evil ( not Kindness like Purna), so I save him = Orients?

What’s Anan and Orient means again ?


Save him …or kill them both, that’s exactly what that means …

I am still watching …

Babaji: right 

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