
41:45 你師父五百歲人呢?殺阡陌說『都要問他』,there is a number 3. My evergreen Seattle english level was 3 …they are my school at 7 …I play volleyball and roller blade.

 Now…as a nun you SMCH 清海無上師 stands at the Digital world download junction, with the real rules are to get things and get away, your master knows that? No matter how hard work, you promise you obtain the greatest goods and service for others to benefits…anything you get is to give away…


The digital world.

We are only talking this Digital thing Simon newly seen stuffs ? 西門最近看懂的下一個投資的目標?

So within the Digital World, my 5 Lords NSYNC has a terms = Digital downloads. 所謂『資訊世界』在我的五教主歌詞演唱會彗星的那場說=資訊下載

It’s in Annca me magazine.我跟鴻凱的雜誌

Matrix 黑暗帝國(矩陣)

(Matrix is a digital Download= me Keanu = 9/2=him Tamang) 所以講我的部分,我李維=生日=他印度Tamang, 所謂矩陣就是資訊下載

So fairly 所以公平的事情


What’s that means ?

你自己不會看不懂吧?you don’t happen to don’t know what it means ?

Babaji: right 

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