
⭐️⭐️⭐️子歇,我有一些狀況,Nick precepts problems+ Eben = Ola last time we conference reviews problem(Eben’s office received my email starting problems), + border+Yeth+Alexandro firefighter +小鬼小和尚(高僧老和尚)問題,現在我們可以談嗎?

子歇,你不能看 Victoria Secrets - take me to church, Patrick sequence them 5 = Hozier interview 可以看嗎?偷東西的那一個影片,同性戀的那個影片,和尚最後到底看不看這我說飛行跟地上滾的問題=Justin Bieber?

Eben’s office got my mail. 很久以前的問題,我有邊界問題現在,多倫多的小中心叫做:Hiep & Lanh, 有一個 Calvin + Wei, 在野人花園的 baby be whom 的問題

Eben doesn’t know my world.

Not Mimmo, not 5 Lords, not Yeth flying or not Alexandro ground rolling problem.

妳們是從照片排列開始,還是 my judgement book written 開始,聽說我的本子可以寫東西?是這樣子嗎?所有我的證明都是邊邊碰到,聖經跟電影跟電視,Michael Vartan is a TV guy, not TV guide. He plays hockey. 


埃本的 email do you receive?

My mother is on Precious Monent, Yeth says Greatest mom.她ㄏㄜˊ嚨有問題

尼克有 psychi 問題,試試看,好好玩問題,Nick born he says is perfect for games, he manipulate number 10th numbers or he all figure it out Eben” optimistic groups out-put groups. Dr Steven 西藏人在哪裡,這個電視很多張紙? 叫做 industrialist best friend him, Lalla on Dr Steven Hairfield TV? 西藏我殺人,妳們跟我是不會處的很好,很多事情,聽說你們一直是逃難的那一組…

Can we talk now?




Probably still there breathing 兩個從 C.I.A 開始不知道 do they breath after C.I.A shows up?


Eben is younger than Nick.

It’s how I manipulate groups skills, or it’s a psychology textbook made Ancient Chinese Eben’s office too difficult to translate ? 他們後面 compile 一個Wall, all Ancient Chinese saying. 大概 medical board too. I speak Ancient Chinese literacy only Chinese or Hiep & Lanh knows? I say it again. I have 194 border issues. I have a book, written yet?

Babaji: yeah, I know. But…

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