
Full house John hi


Keanu matrix he gives all his money away. His money technically is 3 Art. He built a ARCH with those kinds of heavy real demo. Once built you must sale.

Simon bought loads cars.

NSYNC they say they don’t got pay that much. Lance Michael Holloweem was a modest home setting. That Joey has a property for sale? Thank God he was still working in Los Vegas.

You got a red sofa old, that’s in Willis downstairs, no we never really use it. We have no sofa upstair ...she you always eat in the kitchen? You new in the town or she is new? I heard a tale. There I can see was a baby. You used to be young. That house ...is in where? Your fame was borrowed money decades ago TV series ? You know you pay every year annual year on property tax and those water swimming fees...you don’t use it so it stays clear ? Of course I live in Taipei. We are known as the Egypt. 

Babaji: that’s it? Does he know what you are talking about ?

Don’t care a bit. Today is not a very good day. My ipad cannot shut off, so I got waiting bug time to be de-bug ...if I shut it off afraid I lose the interface 3 days !!! They suspend it not shut off but back on like a new blogger...right now it’s bugged ...on the typing area. 

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