
Why was I watching beauty pageant again ?建華,為什麼我又在看選美?

 I don’t know how you groups my video. The skin color mine of course is whiter. Why Wallace even called me what on the show?

It will show everyone that’s all tanned color. If you watch 600 video all together, you made them read...like I become a friend talking to them online all by myself with my personality. They got used to and you drop them to which another sets of files right after my video? Blondes, thin eyes or dark hair? You must have a system what to do to destroyed 194 country’s monitors. Just for the trying ?

You don’t actually call the beauty pegeant committee to see my face because they see so many faces every year?

我說我的皮膚比較白,為什麼建華叫我白子畫呢?所以現在墔毀 194 國家的螢幕嗎?他們故意把東西擺成什麼很厚的東西,等人們看夠我的東西再去看別人的,不知道他們放了什麼影片,東西就可以變的很難看,比臉比臉,我說他們不會真的打電話找選美委員會來幫我比照片還是個性。

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