
Notes again


Stage 3: the alchemy medicine to awake the Master was made of almost the prince entire spiritual practices years after years after years. He was injuries badly and lost an arm. The girl was hidden the true facts that it is prince’s years after years after years spiritual practice made into the pill. The prince wish another guy would not tell her about it, just hand her the medicine as it is made. He went back to his heaven home to rest.

Soon after she found out the truth, and she saw the spiritual chi of her Master was indeed recovering and manifesting large and large internally in someone’s body. She was told by the doctor, “Everyday you wish to see him back now it’s not that long to wait. He is coming back.”

Once their conversation ended, she went to the crown prince home in Heaven to visit him. She could see him injure badly, hardly could get up. So she stays for a while. While nourishing his health back, it was the first time she initate a move to get close to him and first time she told him, “maybe it’s time to talk about our heave wedding that your grandfather has grand us”. Because of that one medicine, she changes completely her passive act before just go along with him, she would become more approachable to him and initiate a conversation what he likes to hear about. Anything he likes to hear about - just one thing finally she wants to marry him and actively to make a conversation about it and get close in cuddling with affecting and kisses.  It changes everything.

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