
⭐️⭐️⭐️Professors & Researchers ⭐️⭐️⭐️

 No I do use 呵呵,not in that nature talks.

Professors .... you all just go and tests them because you don’t get enough to be tested by yourself or you are told to go and try out somebody? Never mind, the Professors if just newly made, they are post-doctor degrees from somewhere. They actually only study on their own subjects, in that one particular area - the researches. What? You try that on my uncle?😨 ... ... that is a full load questions if I sample myself questions on the video. No no ....do whatever you want. 

Professors get the winter & summer vacation but they teach textbook at least if you look at your textbook first?

Researchers just working in the lab, the manual and protocols ... they don’t know what you are talking about? Which researchers field you go anywhere ? The numbers of you all added up ...to do ALL that.

I cannot see the real scene, I see map country got pins. Those pins don’t look ...too clear to me how tight or hard ...shaken...?? Shaken, what does that mean?😱

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