
King - Does your Father knows you have a political nature?

When I say to Dr. Steven about Da Vinci Painting, he would assume, I went to the whole room for the one person's history to know what its Melan's King used to be. Or France I or II, because Da Vinci Die in that time. Keanu went to France often. 

Okay, however I track things down, he will know me and you are on the different subjects views. Not the other 政治靈修 I say, that looks like Tim Cook. Two Wings old school thoughts on the modern politics structures.

ET theory was there are Reptilian. For some reasons, I conclude there were Kings and Queens are in the Hollywood. I don't remember the details. But the truth is not that far.

Presidents or Prime Ministers are terms. Like 4 years or however long. 

You like them like them? or You just thought of them because its written?

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