
One full year

Do I look like I had time back then to count in my head or behind?

We were on the conference ALL DAYS!

If I give them something and once again with a very clear video, they go out and spin that to the ENTIRE world I don’t care about. We just occasionally I talked about it. Either they hear it correctly or just microphone like we switch to another room with it? Because it’s dark in the room, I cannot count or say it?

One full year means from 1/1 - 12/31

When you count with the finger that’s 12 month, but the actual dates have to be seen on the point Dec 31.

When you speak English, you know that’s Dec 31 not Dec 30.

That’s not 12, it’s Dec.

12 is twelve not December. 

Dec 31th ...not 31.

There is a th but okay I might just say 31 thirty first.

So you don’t see only 1,2,...12

You have to say it to 12/31

But knowing that’s one full month in the December. And all that was every month from January to December from 1st to 31th.




So that thirty first. Not thirty one.

Speaking English is thirty first. 

Got it? 

Perfect !

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